Integrated Cancer Research Site

Artificial intelligence and cancer - information day 14 June2024

You're a patient or the general public and you're curious about the role of AI in the fight against cancer ? This information day will bring transparence to the use of AI in day to day clinical practice.

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Affiche journée IA CARPEM
14 Jun
AI: a new tool at the service of the fight against cancer
Lieu : Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers
Organisateur : SIRIC CARPEM

" Since the beginning of its development, artificial intelligence (AI) has fascinated and frightened. However, the progress that has been made thanks to this still nascent discipline has already made it possible to develop numerous innovative techniques and tools in the service of health, particularly for the benefit of the fight against cancer. Increasingly known and acclaimed by doctors who contribute to the development and construction of these tools, its concrete uses and their usefulness remain little known to patients and the general public.

This seminar is part of an approach to transparency in science and medicine and the promotion of health democracy in research and oncology. It is therefore aimed at patients, their loved ones, as well as the general public. Its objective is to promote patient empowerment and to communicate widely on the current place of AI in the fight against cancer, its usefulness both for public health and throughout the care pathway, and its limits. To do this, initially, doctors specializing in these issues will present and open for discussion examples of concrete achievements at different stages of these pathways. We will thus see how AI is used from prevention, through diagnosis, to therapeutic decisions. Secondly, because the development of AI and its use in oncology raise ethical questions, we will approach them from the angle of the risk of abuse and attacks on individual freedoms and patients' rights. Other experts will present the broad outlines of French and European regulations intended to promote the use of AI, while preventing these risks. The third and final part of this seminar will be held in the form of a round table led by patients to identify participants' questions and concerns, and establish an open and informative discussion on the subject.

At a time when artificial intelligence is experiencing real growth in the field of oncology, this seminar seems essential to inform patients and the general public about the usefulness of AI in oncology, while highlighting the aspects ethics and regulations thereof. This seminar offers the opportunity to provide some transparency on the use of AI in current clinical practice, particularly the distrust of certain people regarding new technologies. A better understanding of how it works and its precise purposes leads to wider acceptance of this technology.”

The organizing team