The SIRIC label

The SIRIC label is a flagship program of the cancer plan aimed at identifying and supporting "Integrated Cancer Research SItes" in France meaning sites that bring together state of the art and internationally renowned medical services and multidisciplinary research teams (biology, chemistry, physics, maths, preclinical and clinical research, human and social sciences...). The label is awarded bases on an ambitious scientific program lead by these teams.
SIRICs have a triple mission: integration, structuring, and use of research results :
- Elaborate and conduct a certain number of integrated research programs within a national and international collaborative network. The ultimate objective is to reduce the incidence of cancer and its mortality and to improve patient care.
- Establish the necessary infrastructure and resources to conduct research responding to the criteria of excellence, innovation, integration, multidisciplinarity and transfert to the clinic (technological platforms, research support structures, protected time for clinicians, attractiveness for new researchers etc.)
- Ensure the application and dissemination of results and acquired knowledge
Funding for SIRICs is provided jointly by an endowment from the National Cancer Institute (INCa), of the Ministry of Health (DGOS) and the National Institute of Medical Research (Inserm) on behalf of the Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (Aviesan).
The SIRIC label was awarded for the 3rd time in 2022.

The SIRIC network is made up of 8 integrated research sites.
- SIRIC Carpem CAncer Research in multiple dimensions to accelerate PrEcision Medicine
- SIRIC CURAMUS Cancer United Research Associating Medicine, University & Society)
- SIRIC EpiCure
- SIRIC ILIAD Imaging and Longitudinal Investigations to Ameliorate Decision-making
- SIRIC InsiTu Insights Into Cancer: From Inflammation to Tumor - Prevent, Intercept, Cure
- SIRIC LYriCAN LYon CANcer Research Innovation
- SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
Institut Curie was one of the first centres endorsed with Centre Léon Bérard in 2011. This endorsement was renewed in 2018 and 2022. Each scientific program builds on the previous one and reinforces the structuration of the care-research continuum.
Find out more about the SIRIC-Curie scientific programs in 2011 and 2018